While the American litigation system was designed to “level the playing field” between parties large and small by providing an impartial forum for the resolution of legal disputes, the cost of gaining, and maintaining, access to the American courtroom is significant when the stakes are high enough. From large companies attempting to trim their legal budgets to small and mid-size entities or individuals that do not have the resources to fund litigation, the growing cost of modern civil litigation causes many to think twice and decide not to prosecute what would otherwise be a viable claim.
However, our litigation funding vehicles remove the financial obstacles of litigation that so often result in the denial of access to justice. To that end, Bayshore offers several creative funding options for business entities and individuals in need of a funding partner. From funding “hybrid” fee arrangements involving a cash outlay together with a contingency fee, flat fee funding, hourly rate financing and many other options, Bayshore’s varied finance packages allow litigants to file and prosecute those claims that would have otherwise been foreclosed due to financial considerations.
Of additional benefit, Bayshore’s litigation funding platform can be offered on a non-recourse basis, which means that if a funded case is lost outright or the damages recovered will not permit repayment of a funding advance, then the litigant is not automatically responsible for repayment of the amounts advanced. Therefore, a litigant can achieve peace of mind in knowing that while they have the financial backing necessary to maintain a legal claim, that they will not be responsible for repayment of the monetary advance in the event that their claim is not successfully resolved.
Litigation attorneys find a benefit to these funding platforms as well. Most litigators typically practicing under a hybrid fee or hourly billing model can recall several situations in which potential litigants have been turned away because of the inability to cover fees. However, instead of turning those potential clients away, litigation attorneys may turn to Bayshore as a funding partner to secure a new client and allow their claims to see the light of day.